Concerns about your dog’s health? Cat need a checkup? Our vets offer affordable consultations and health checks Monday to Saturday.
The Veterinary Surgery in Yarrambat and North Warrandyte offers thorough and affordable veterinary consultations 6 days a week, Monday through to Saturday. If you’re worried about your pet’s health, if they’ve had an accident, or to arrange a general checkup for your pet, please contact us to make an appointment.
What happens in a standard veterinary consultation?
Our kind and compassionate vets will give your pet a careful physical examination. Your pet’s welfare and comfort is always our highest priority and we place a great emphasis on ensuring veterinary visits cause your pet minimal distress. We’ll look at and discuss concerns of which you may be aware and will also thoroughly assess for any other signs of health concerns. If possible, we’ll provide the appropriate treatment for your pet straight away, but occasionally we’ll need to organise for further testing like an X-ray or a blood test – which can be performed in-house to allow for quick and convenient diagnoses.
Regular Pet Health Checks
A year in your pet’s life is the equivalent to several years of a human life. Health issues can develop and progress quickly. We recommend regular visits to assess your pet’s health. Our clinics offer the following consultations:
- New puppy and kitten health checks
- Health checks after acquiring a new pet
- Medication review checkups
- Annual health checks combined with vaccination administration
- Dental health checks
- Senior health checks for pets over 7 years of age
To book your pet in for a health check or a general vet consultation, get in contact with The Veterinary Surgery today.